What Nephi Teaches about Prioritizing the Temple Part 2

By Anne Maxson

Part 1 of this series ended with some thoughts about what potential conflicts or priorities may influence our decisions when we feel prompted to go to the temple. For us, this can look like church and family obligations, wanting some downtime. (Again, I will note that those activities aren’t inherently bad and are definitely things that should be prioritized.) For Nephi, these potential conflicts could have been wanting to spend some time talking with Lehi about his revelations, trying to build relationships with his family members, and also potentially wanting some downtime. 

Thankfully, Nephi followed through, went up to the mountain, and received inspiration and direction from the Lord. What types of inspiration and direction do we miss out on when we don’t follow the prompting? We may not be instructed to construct a ship but we can be instructed how to construct a family. And, I know that I am probably more clueless about how to make the tools to construct a family than Nephi was about constructing the ship. (If I could just have a sit-still-during-prayer tool, that would be great!) We may be instructed on how to deal with a current trial or dilemma or find strength and comfort in the trial.

A few years ago, our family was in a weird spot. I had felt prompted to quit my job and my husband’s career was on hold while we waited for the results of his board exams. Our kids hadn’t started the school year yet. We had a lot of free time and needed some inspiration so we made a goal to greatly increase our temple attendance. We did well at making time for the temple during that time. Now, my husband is working nearly full-time hours, I’m working some and the kids are busy with school and extra-curricular activities. It is significantly more difficult to make time for the temple. We have a reminder on our phone for Sunday afternoon to make our temple appointments. I know that, as I prioritize the temple, I will be given insights and guidance that will help me in my day-to-day activities and I will be blessed to be able to accomplish that which is needful for me and my family.  In a talk at the 2010 BYU Women’s Conference, Sister Julie B. Beck, said, “What things must be taken care of, and if I don’t take care of them, the blessings of eternal life won’t be mine nor will they be my family’s. I wrote at the top of the essential list revelation. I have to be able to know the mind and will of God. Therefore, I have to do the things in my life that put me in a position to hear His voice.” As I prioritize the temple, I will be prioritizing my family.

Your Savior loves you. He cares deeply about you and the details of your lives. Sometimes it is impossible for Him to get His messages to us over the noise and busyness of the world. He needs us to come to His House to learn from Him and feel the Spirit in more abundance. Think of it as “A  ministering visit in His house.” Go up to the mountain, feel of His love, and learn His word.

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