You spoke - we listened! Sounds like you would love to have Angel Moroni on top of your temple replica statues. We now offer the Angel Moroni Kit which includes five gold-colored PLA plastic Angel Moronis and a glue packet.
Why don't these come automatically included and attached to each temple?
Unfortunately, Angel Moroni at the small scale attached to a temple doesn't ship well. By sending it separately with a glue packet we can ensure your Angel Moroni will literally stand the test of time! And just in case anything happens to him, we've included extras. There are 5 per pack by standard.
Installation Instructions
1. Clean the steeple tip and Angel Moroni to free them from any dirt or oil, then dry.
2. Apply a very small amount of glue to the top of the steeple. Super glue goes a long way. Just a smidge.
3. Hold Moroni in position on top of the steeple for 15-30 seconds. Then leave undisturbed for several minutes to let the seal solidify.
Our recommendations
We only recommend attaching Angel Moroni to medium and large replica statues. Small replicas, as well as ornaments have steeples that are just too small and fragile to support an Angel Moroni.
The Small Print
We're fully confident you are a master technician and over qualified to install the Angel Moroni on top of your medium or large temple replica statues, but we still have to say it anyway . . . install at your own risk. No refunds for broken steeples as a result of a failed installation attempt.
Whenever adding Angel Moroni, do so carefully and at your own risk. But no worries . . . you've got this!