Q: What are the temples made from?
A: The Temples are 3D printed from a PLA plastic, lightweight but durable.

Q: Do you sell the temple model files?  
A: We do not sell the temple model files.
Q: How long does it take to print a temple?
A: Depending upon the size and temple type the time to print one temple could take 2-58 hours. The time from when the order is placed to being shipped is usually 3-4 weeks, potentially longer, during the October-December Holiday Season. As we know you're eager to receive your order(s), please double check the production and shipping time frame when/before you checkout. 

Q: Who 3D models your Temples?
A: We have our own in-house design team that replicates the original temple design.

Q: Do you Have a warranty on your Electronic products?
A: Yes, We do! We will replace any Music light/Electronic product ordered or replaced up to 1 year from purchase/replace date.

Q: Do the temple music lights come in different sizes?
A: Currently we do not make them different sizes. They are equivalent to a large temple replica statue.

Q: Where do I add a note to my order to list my temple choices?
A: When you go to your cart, right before you hit the checkout button there is a section above your subtotal that says "add order note." Click the words "add order note" or the pencil next to it and it will open up a text box.

Q: Where do I add my discount code or gift card?
A: After you click the check out button, on the right hand side of your screen you will see the products you have in the cart, below that is a place to type or paste your code into that says "discount code or gift card." After you type or paste into that text box, be sure to click "apply."      

Q: Can I use two coupons at the same time?
A: Unfortunately, coupons do not stack, so you can only use one at a time.