Make your goals become a reality!
Display this beautiful vision board for your child or youth's spiritual, social, physical & intellectual goals to reach for in the new children & youth Strive to Be program. We designed these especially for our children & youth to keep their goals in style!
Just as “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man,” we hope the youth of the church will strive to be like Him by setting and reaching their goals.
Make it personal by choosing your temple medallion as the focal point of the vision board. All temples built or under construction are available!
Each Board is laser engraved with a compass dividing it into the 4 categories the goals are set. Paper clamps are built in to hold 3x5 inch paper goals (3x5 cards included).
The stylish board comes in whitewash or rustic, vertical or horizontal.
This product is made to order in Rexburg, Idaho, and shipped out as soon as it is complete. Combined production and shipping times are estimated to be 1-2 weeks.