How to Be a Light in a Dark World


By Becky Squire

I’ve always been a positive person, but admittedly, this year has been rough! I’ve seen darkness try to seep into every part of the world, my community, and even myself. And even though it’s not Christmastime, I can’t help but think about how I need to #LightTheWorld.

Light represents guidance, direction, hope, safety and understanding.  Light is the source that we always look for in darkness so we can escape from unsafe, anxious, confused and disoriented feelings.

Jesus Christ declared that “I am the light of the world.”  Such a declaration was prophesied as a sign to be given when He was born, and He continues to be our light today. Sometimes in life, we might rely upon the light of others, but we must also become a source of light on our own. First we must seek for the true source of light, receive it, share it, then we can be a light for others.

Seek for Light

Those who wish to come out of darkness and into the light must make sure they are in harmony with the inspiration and revelation that come through our prophets, seers, and revelators. Amos tells us, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

Elder Neil L. Andersen said, “As evil increases in the world, there is a compensatory spiritual power for the righteous.  As the world slides from its spiritual moorings, the Lord prepares the way for those who seek Him, offering them greater assurance, greater confirmation, and greater confidence in the spiritual direction they are traveling.  The gift of the Holy Ghost becomes a brighter light in the emerging twilight.”

Receive Light

Micah said, “When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me” (Micah 7:8).

As we seek for light, we must be ready to receive it. We receive spiritual light when we attend sacrament meeting. Partaking of the sacrament and the inspiration of the worship service weekly charges our spiritual batteries.

We receive spiritual light when we minister and magnify our callings. Serving in the Church blesses us more than it blesses others.

We receive spiritual light when we sustain and follow the prophet.

We receive spiritual light when we sing the hymns. Singing the hymns strengthens us and brings us together spiritually.

We receive spiritual light when we pray and study the scriptures. What are some other ways you can receive spiritual light?

Share Light

One central mission we are each given is to come unto Christ and to help others do the same. The prophets and apostles have been foreordained to lead the church and bring others closer to Christ. Likewise, each of us has a unique voice and spiritual gifts we can use to help share light with the world.

Have you considered how you can uniquely share light with those around you? Everyone’s mission and purpose are significant, including the opportunity to share light with the world and lead others - even ourselves - to Jesus Christ. 

Our purpose is to gather Israel and build the kingdom of God. And Heavenly Father wants you to share your light so you can influence the world for good.

Be a Light

Bearing Christ-like attributes will allow us to become a strong reflection of light in our life.  Our Lord Jesus Christ has extended His “Come Follow Me” invitation to all of us. Our discipleship should really reflect who we are as indicated in Apostle Paul’s Epistle to Timothy: “be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” We need to act upon these teachings and we will light the world as we do so.

As we work on seeking for light, receiving light, and sharing light, becoming a light will happen naturally. The choice is ours. We can choose to be a light in this dark world and to shine as bright as we’d like.

Becky Squire is a writer and speaker. She has been published in several media outlets including the Ensign, LDS Living, and the Today Show. She's also the founding editor of Latter-day Woman Magazine. Follow Becky Squire on Instagram


  • Shani Crow

    New Youth and needing material for d-now. Like the idea of being the light in the darkness.

  • Ken Card

    You have stated “light” very well Becky. “light” is always associated with “love” and “life” the three potential attributes that we all are endowed with. When we fulfill these in our lives by immersing our thoughts, words and deed in them we truly become “one” with God!

  • Melinda Savage

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and testimony.
    Lately I’ve been struggling with depression. Today I realized that I need to be in the sunlight more. I’m happier and more alert. I know that studying the scriptures and praying also bring me back into the light. I know that Jesus is the light we need to constantly seek. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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