Three Simple Ways to Prepare for General Conference


By Sheena Perron

We are privileged to hear inspired messages from our beloved prophet, apostles, and other general authorities twice a year during General Conference. Just as the leaders of our church take time to prepare their talks, we too must prepare ourselves to listen and receive personal spiritual guidance. 

We read in Doctrine and Covenants of the Lord teaching Oliver Cowdery, “You must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right” (see Doctrine and Covenants 9:8). The same applies to us all. As General Conference approaches, it is important that we prepare ourselves and our families to help us understand and apply what we are taught.


“I exhort you to study the messages of this conference frequently—even repeatedly” (“Let Us All Press On,” Russell M. Nelson, April 2018; ). 

When we make a consistent and conscious effort to study and focus our lives on the Savior, we have a greater desire to live the gospel, serve the Lord, and we invite His spirit into our lives.

As you prepare for General Conference, take time to study past General Conference messages. Technology has made reading, listening, and studying the messages easier than ever before.

CHALLENGE: Take time this week to study a past General Conference talk. Record impressions that come to your mind.

Ponder & Pray

“There are messages in each general conference as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations. As you prepare for general conference, I invite you to ponder questions you need to have answered. For example, you might yearn for direction and guidance by the Lord regarding challenges you are facing” (“General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing,” Ensign, Sept. 2011).

Having specific questions you are seeking answers to not only helps you participate more fully in General Conference, but it also shows the Lord that you have faith and believe that He hears and answers your prayers.

CHALLENGE: What questions do you have that you would like answered? Take time to ponder and record a few questions. Strive to pray daily about each question.


In the October 2005 priesthood session, Paul V. Johnson said,“Decide now to make general conference a priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given. . . . By doing these things, the gates of hell will not prevail against you, the powers of darkness will be dispersed from before you, and the heavens will shake for your good.”

No matter where you plan to watch or listen to General Conference begin now to make a plan. By making a plan in advance you are less likely to have distractions while you are trying to listen. Involve your family in making preparations for General Conference weekend. Make sure all chores are done, plan your menu, and print activities to keep little ones focused.

CHALLENGE: Have a special family lesson about General Conference and create a plan to prepare for this special weekend.

I hope you will take time this week to prepare for General Conference. As we take the time to prepare ourselves, our families, and our homes for General Conference we will be able to more fully enjoy the messages shared and receive personal spiritual guidance.

“In conferences we can receive the word of the Lord meant just for us...This is possible because the Holy Ghost carries the word of the Lord unto our hearts in terms we can understand” (“General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony,” Robert D. Hales, Oct. 2013; ).

Sheena Perron is the founder of Little LDS Ideas and Seek Christ Daily. Her mission is to help others become seekers of Christ through uplifting online content and events. She has been featured in the EnsignDeseret News, and KSL Radio. Follow Sheena Perron on Instagram and Facebook


  • Scott Yeaton

    My wife and I got sealed in the San Diego Temple last Tuesday!!!! We have been married for 19 years. Because of Covid we had to reschedule 3 times, very frustrating, but the really cool part was we were the only people in the entire Temple. A member of the Temple Presidency preformed the ceremony. It was the best!!!

  • Scott Yeaton

    My wife and I got sealed in the San Diego Temple last Tuesday!!!! We have been married for 19 years. Because of Covid we had to reschedule 3 times, very frustrating, but the really cool part was we were the only people in the entire Temple. A member of the Temple Presidency preformed the ceremony. It was the best!!!

  • Scott Yeaton

    My wife and I got sealed in the San Diego Temple last Tuesday!!!! We have been married for 19 years. Because of Covid we had to reschedule 3 times, very frustrating, but the really cool part was we were the only people in the entire Temple. A member of the Temple Presidency preformed the ceremony. It was the best!!!

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