What I Learned from the Question "Can I Help You with Anything?"


By Anne Maxson

During what can be considered one of those “boring days at home” amid Christmas break from school, I was upstairs doing laundry. As I was moving clothes from the washer to the dryer, a “Hey Mom…” was casually called up the stairs. I figured this likely had to do with a “Hey Mom…I’m bored,” or a “Hey Mom…can we have more screen time.” 

Instead, it was “Hey Mom…can I help you with anything?” I immediately took my son up on his offer to help and he gladly came to help with laundry and other items I had on my agenda for the day. 

It got me thinking about other times when that question - “Can I help you with anything?” - has come up. Most commonly, I’ve heard it in a retail setting. However, the times I’ve heard it at work and at home, it lands a bit differently. I’ve also been thinking about the times that I have been the one to offer help. It always feels nice to be able to support others and help them with their tasks or obligations. 

What happens if we include that offer to help in our prayers? “Heavenly Father, can I help you with anything?” What answers do you think you would receive? What opportunities would come through that inquiry? 

I decided to try a little experiment by including that question in my prayers. As expected, I felt nudges to reach out to particular people and to minister to others. One of the times I included that question in my prayer, I felt prompted to go to the temple for a particular endowment session. 

While waiting in the chapel before the session, I spotted a dear friend who always makes me feel Heavenly Father’s love for me. As I went into the endowment room, I discovered that one of my mission companions whom I hadn’t seen in too long, was the temple ordinance worker assigned to that session. Then, after the session, I saw a sister from our ward that I’ve been meaning to get to know a little better.

All of those connections are not what I was expecting when I prayerfully asked how I could help and the answer that came was, “Go to the 8 am session on Thursday.” It seemed like I had cheated the system because I didn’t feel that I was doing the “helping.” Instead, it was me who was receiving the help and the blessing. Often, as we are on the Lord’s errand, we can receive unexpected blessings. 

This thought “Hey Mom, can I help you with anything?” also got me thinking about the scripture Mosiah 2:17, “And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” At work and at home I have seen the truth of this statement on a smaller scale. When a sibling jumps in to help with another's chores, it is not just a service to the sibling receiving help but also a service to the parents. When an employee is able to help another employee tackle their to-do list, it can be a service to the manager as well as the coworker. 

Consider ways that you can incorporate the question “Can I help you with anything?” into your life - at home, at work, at church, and in your prayers. Take note of the responses and the results of those opportunities. 


  • Ytzamar Tomassini

    Oh thank you for this beautiful teaching 🙏🏻It is beautiful when a child says: How can I help you, Mom? Our heavenly father will also be very happy when we say to him: How can I help you? 🙏🏻Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful message 🙏🏻😍

  • Corinne Abeling

    Thank you for this inspired message! I am definitely going to ask that question in my prayers!❤️

  • Juliette

    Love this. Tried it and God led me to text a friend.

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